train the younger employees so that they can take over one's position
younger employees
: 若手社員{わかて しゃいん}
assign all one's employees to a position where they can each give full play to their natural abilities
: 社員一人一人の持ち味を生かして使う
take over a leadership position
: 指導者{しどうしゃ}[権力者{けんりょくしゃ}]の地位{ちい}を引き継ぐ
take over someone's position in
: (場所{ばしょ}?部門{ぶもん})で(人)の地位{ちい}を引き継ぐ
keep working so that one can
: ~できるよう頑張る[努力{どりょく}し続ける]
take over someone's former position as
: (人)の後を継いで~の地位{ちい}に就く
educate the younger employees properly
: 部下{ぶか}の教育{きょういく}をちゃんと行う
take one's position
: 位置につく、座る
take one's position as president
: 社長に納まる
take up one's position
: 配置[任?仕事?部署]に就く、就任する、陣を構える
to take one's position as rector
: to take one's position as rector 学長に納まる がくちょうにおさまる
can take one's drink
: 酔っても乱れない
can't take one's drink
: 酒に弱い
can't take one's liquor
: 酒に弱い
can't live up to one's position
: 位負けする
"train the intellect"の英語
"train the sailors"の英語
"train the senses"の英語
"train the voice"の英語
"train the will"の英語
"train the younger generation"の英語
"train ticket"の英語
"train time"の英語
"train timetable"の英語
"train the voice"の英語
"train the will"の英語
"train the younger generation"の英語
"train ticket"の英語
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